Shardeum Unveils Ethereum Synergy: Full RPC Method Integration Complete

Shardeum Unveils Ethereum Synergy: Full RPC Method Integration Complete


11 min read

Imagine a world where blockchain innovation isn’t just about keeping pace with the latest trends, but about setting them. That’s the vision we’re realizing at Shardeum — where every milestone isn’t just a step forward, but a quantum leap in redefining what’s possible in decentralized applications.

Shardeum doesn’t just integrate Ethereum-compatible RPC methods — they perfect them. Shafrdeum’s journey towards mainnet isn’t just a checklist of tasks, it’s a saga of innovation, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. When we say ‘successful integration,’ we mean more than just making things work — we mean crafting an ecosystem where developers thrive, where creativity knows no bounds, and where the future of blockchain technology is not just glimpsed, but actively shaped.

From the foundational steps of implementing RPC methods like WSS eth_subscribe to the seamless orchestration of specialized Shardeum RPC methods, every move we make is a testament to Shardeum’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. We don’t just follow the footsteps of giants; we pave our own path, carving out a niche that’s uniquely Shardeum.

But what sets Shardeum apart from the crowded landscape of blockchain platforms? It’s not just about being Ethereum-compatible; it’s about being Ethereum-enhanced. Our platform isn’t just a canvas for developers; it’s a playground of possibilities, where every line of code isn’t just executed — it’s celebrated.

By introducing specialized Shardeum RPC methods, we’re not just offering an alternative, we’re offering an evolution. We’re capturing the essence of what makes Shardeum special — the nuances, the intricacies, the sheer brilliance of our platform — and weaving it into every interaction, every transaction, and every line of code.

So why choose Shardeum? Because here, innovation isn’t just a buzzword — it’s Shardeum’s DNA. Because here, every developer isn’t just a user — they’re a pioneer, charting the course for a new era of decentralized applications. Because here, the future isn’t just imagined — it’s built, one line of code at a time.

Why Should one Build on Shardeum?

Shardeum’s mission is clear: to revolutionize the landscape of blockchain technology by prioritizing scalability and decentralization. While other platforms may focus on reinventing user-facing components like smart contract languages and virtual machines, we believe in leveraging the robust suite of tools already available, particularly within Ethereum’s ecosystem. With languages like Solidity and Vyper and a wealth of developer-friendly resources, Ethereum provides a solid foundation upon which to build. By harnessing these established resources, we aim to streamline development processes and unlock the full potential of blockchain technology.

However, Shardeum’s commitment to enhancing scalability and decentralization goes beyond simply leveraging existing tools. At the protocol level, Shardeum introduces an independent smart contract platform tailored to address the genuine shortcomings of Ethereum and other Layer 1 chains. Sharded chain architecture auto-scales linearly, ensuring high levels of scalability, decentralization, and security while keeping transaction fees consistently low, regardless of network demand. This strategic focus allows us to tackle common bottlenecks faced by developers on contemporary blockchains, enabling complex smart contract calls with ease and efficiency.

One of Shardeum’s standout features is its ability to process transactions and reach consensus individually, enabling atomic and cross-shard composability with parallel transaction execution. This innovation eliminates barriers developers encounter with traditional blockchains and sharded networks, particularly in achieving high scalability. While Shardeum naturally appeals to EVM developers with its compatibility as an EVM-based Layer 1 network, we are equally committed to welcoming developers from all backgrounds into our community.

In a blockchain space characterized by diversity and interoperability efforts, Shardeum distinguishes itself by offering a Layer 1 solution that decisively addresses the scalability trilemma. By prioritizing scalability, decentralization, and security, we pave the way for seamless interoperability across platforms. Shardeum’s dedication extends to open-sourcing the protocol, empowering developers to contribute to and benefit from the broader ecosystem. With a rapidly growing community of over 1 million members within just two years of launch, Shardeum offers developers a unique opportunity to build on a foundation that is both scalable and developer-friendly, fostering innovation and collaboration on a global scale.

What are Ethereum JSON-RPC Methods?

Integrating Ethereum’s JSON-RPC methods into Shardeum signifies a significant leap forward in the platform’s capabilities. These methods, encoded in JSON format, serve as the backbone for interacting with the Ethereum network, enabling a wide array of operations such as querying blockchain data, initiating transactions, and monitoring network changes in real-time. Acting as a bridge between external applications or clients and the Ethereum blockchain, these methods streamline the flow of information and commands, forming a cohesive API that simplifies access for developers.

Shardeum’s adoption of Ethereum’s JSON-RPC methods introduces a plethora of benefits to its ecosystem. From essential methods like eth_feeHistory to foundational ones like eth_chainId, each method plays a crucial role in enhancing transaction tracking precision, facilitating real-time monitoring, and optimizing network interaction efficiency. By incorporating these methods, Shardeum not only offers a seamless transition for Ethereum developers but also enriches its platform with advanced functionalities and broader possibilities.

These methods epitomize Shardeum’s dedication to creating a robust and user-centric platform that’s primed for innovation and collaboration within the broader Web3 landscape. They signify more than just technical integration; they represent a commitment to empowering developers and users alike, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of decentralized applications and services.

For those who may be unfamiliar with these methods, let’s delve deeper into their functionalities and explore the myriad opportunities they unlock within the Shardeum ecosystem.

Popular Ethereum RPC Methods

These Ethereum JSON-RPC methods serve as indispensable tools for developers and third-party projects seeking to extract valuable insights and information from blockchain networks. By leveraging these methods, developers can create a wide range of products and services that enhance user experiences and drive innovation within the ecosystem.

1. eth_feeHistory: This method enables the retrieval of historical network fees, allowing developers to analyze gas prices over time. Understanding fee trends is crucial for optimizing transaction costs and improving overall efficiency within decentralized applications.

2. eth_getBlockReceipts: Providing a list of receipts for all transactions within a given block, this method is instrumental in transaction confirmation and status tracking. Developers can utilize this information to ensure the integrity and validity of transactions within the blockchain network.

3. eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash: By returning the number of transactions in a block identified by its hash, this method facilitates detailed block analysis. Developers can gain insights into block activity and transaction volume, aiding in network optimization and performance monitoring.

4. eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber: Similar to the previous method, this one returns the number of transactions in a block, but identifies the block by its number instead of its hash. This provides developers with flexibility in accessing block data based on different parameters.

5. eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex: This method fetches a specific transaction based on its block hash and index position within the block. It offers developers granular access to transaction details, facilitating transaction tracking and analysis.

6. eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex: Similar to the previous method, this one retrieves a transaction based on its block number and index within that block. It provides an alternative approach to accessing transaction data, offering developers multiple options for querying blockchain information.

  1. eth_newPendingTransactionFilter: Enabling the creation of a filter to notify about new pending transactions, this method is invaluable for tracking transactions that have been broadcast but are not yet confirmed. Developers can use this feature to monitor transaction activity in real-time, enhancing transaction visibility and management.

8. eth_chainId: Returning the current chain ID of the network, this method is essential for ensuring transaction integrity on the correct Ethereum network. Developers rely on this information to verify network identity and prevent potential security vulnerabilities.

By leveraging these popular Ethereum JSON-RPC methods, developers can unlock a wealth of insights and functionalities, empowering them to create innovative solutions that drive the continued evolution of blockchain technology.

Synergizing Ethereum’s RPC Methods with Shardeum’s Custom Needs

Shardeum is committed to ensuring not only compatibility but also a seamless experience for developers transitioning from Ethereum to our platform. By aligning our existing RPC methods closely with Ethereum’s JSON-RPC standards, we streamline adoption and foster interoperability between the two ecosystems. This approach significantly reduces the learning curve for developers, allowing them to efficiently leverage our platform for Ethereum-based projects.

For instance, let’s consider Shardeum’s implementation of the eth_feeHistory JSON-RPC method. While Ethereum typically returns baseFeePerGas, a fundamental element in gas price calculations, Shardeum diverges by providing an array of gas prices for specified blocks. This distinction arises from Shardeum’s unique transaction structure, which doesn’t rely on baseFeePerGas and is immune to MEV (Miner Extractable Value). By furnishing users with an array of gas prices, Shardeum enables them to analyze and comprehend transaction cost trends over time within our network.

Another notable difference lies in how Shardeum handles standard block-related queries like eth_getBlockReceipts and eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash. Due to Shardeum’s blockless architecture, transactions are processed individually, and cycles replace traditional blocks. These processed transactions are later grouped into blocks at predetermined intervals before being transferred to archive nodes. With Shardeum estimating one cycle every 60 seconds and forming a block every 6 seconds, developers can adapt their approaches to accommodate this unique architecture seamlessly.

In essence, Shardeum’s commitment to aligning its RPC methods with Ethereum standards not only ensures compatibility but also underscores our dedication to providing a familiar and user-friendly environment for developers. By embracing these standards while accommodating our platform’s distinctive features, we empower developers to navigate the transition effortlessly and unlock the full potential of Shardeum in their Ethereum-based projects.

Why Shardeum Needs Ethereum JSON-RPC Methods?

Navigating the integration of core technologies within Shardeum, which stands apart as more than just a blockchain yet incorporates the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), presents unique technical challenges. However, the integration of Ethereum’s JSON-RPC methods into Shardeum proves essential for several compelling reasons:

  1. Compatibility and Familiarity: Shardeum’s adoption of Ethereum’s RPC methods creates a familiar environment for developers entrenched in Ethereum’s ecosystem. This seamless transition significantly reduces the learning curve, expediting adoption particularly for the vast Ethereum-based developer community, which constitutes over 85% of the entire smart contract ecosystem.

  2. Interoperability: Ethereum’s RPC methods serve as a standard across the broader developer world. By incorporating these methods, Shardeum ensures interoperability with existing tools and applications designed for Ethereum, thus augmenting its integration capabilities within the broader blockchain landscape.

  3. Comprehensive Functionality: Implementing a comprehensive suite of RPC methods equips Shardeum with a more robust RPC server experience. This ensures that developers have access to all necessary functionalities for diverse interactions, thereby enhancing the platform’s appeal and utility.

  4. Customization for Shardeum’s Architecture: While Shardeum endeavors to adhere to Ethereum’s RPC specifications, it also undertakes necessary customization to align with its unique ledger structure. This entails adapting or omitting certain methods to ensure compatibility with Shardeum’s architecture. By tailoring RPC methods to Shardeum’s specific needs, this customization enhances efficiency, performance, and overall user experience.

Benefits of Implementing Ethereum RPC Methods in Shardeum

Embarking on a comprehensive exploration of the benefits stemming from the integration of Ethereum JSON-RPC methods into Shardeum unveils a multitude of advantages that transcend mere technical enhancements. Let’s delve deeper into how these methods not only bolster Shardeum’s technical capabilities but also profoundly influence its network, developer community, and the broader ecosystem.

1. Benefits for Shardeum Network

  • Enhanced Developer Experience: A more comprehensive RPC server, akin to Ethereum’s methods, elevates the overall developer experience, streamlining the process of building on Shardeum.

  • Network Growth and Adoption: The familiarity and ease of use of Ethereum-like methods attract developers from the Ethereum ecosystem, fostering network growth and diversity.

  • Improved Performance: Equipped with a robust set of RPC methods, Shardeum enhances its ability to handle a broader range of queries and commands efficiently, leading to improved network performance.

2. Benefits for Developers

  • Ease of Transition: Developers proficient in Ethereum can seamlessly transition to Shardeum, leveraging their existing knowledge and tools.

  • Rich Tooling and Integration: Access to a comprehensive set of RPC methods enables developers to create sophisticated applications and seamlessly integrate with existing Ethereum-based tools.

  • Innovative Opportunities: Shardeum’s unique adaptations in RPC methods open doors to explore new functionalities and innovations not feasible in the Ethereum network.

3. Benefits for the Community

  • Broader Ecosystem Development: The influx of developers into the Shardeum network enriches the ecosystem, offering a wider array of sophisticated applications to the community.

  • Enhanced Network Security and Integrity: Methods like eth_chainId ensure secure and reliable transactions, fostering trust within the community.

  • Real-time Insights and Analytics: Methods such as eth_feeHistory and eth_getBlockReceipts provide valuable insights into network activity, promoting transparency and informed decision-making.

Wrapping it Up: The Conslusion

Shardeum’s recent achievement in implementing EVM RPC methods represents a significant leap forward in our network’s evolution. This milestone not only enhances our capabilities but also underscores our commitment to remaining at the forefront of innovation in the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape.

With this update, Shardeum optimize their’s system to better serve the needs of community and partners, ensuring Shardeum continues to provide cutting-edge solutions for decentralized applications and beyond.

To all Shardians, Shardeum extend their heartfelt gratitude for their unwavering passion and support. Our contributions are the cornerstone of Shardeum’s success, and we celebrate this milestone together as a testament to our collective journey. Here’s to many more achievements and continued advancements as we shape the future of decentralized technology. Cheers to the road ahead! 🎉

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